Media reports from Cyprus reveal a flourishing trend in civil wedding ceremonies in the locales of Paphos, Peyia, and Geroskipou.

Throughout this year's tourist season, these municipalities experienced a surge in demand, reaching full capacity and marking a definitive return to the record levels observed in 2019, as confirmed by official data.

The ceremonies conducted in Paphos, Peyia, and Geroskipou yielded substantial financial contributions in 2023, according to official records. This post-pandemic period witnessed a more pronounced upswing in activity compared to 2022, a fact emphatically emphasized by the respective municipal authorities.

Anticipated by industry experts last year, the positive momentum in the civil wedding sector continued to display a clear upward trajectory in 2023 within these specific provinces. Municipal authorities express satisfaction with the overall surge in activity, emphasizing the significance of restoring normalcy in the sector, given its status as a primary economic contributor for local authorities.

Wedding ceremony booking are now thriving so, don't delay, contact The Villa Group Weddings to start planning your wedding!